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Diabetes Industry in GCC Overview

This case study provides a brief description of the diabetes epidemiological situation in Gulf Cooperation Council (also known as the GCC and comprising United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, and Bahrain).


Despite dedicated nationwide efforts to raise awareness against the harmful effects of fast-food consumption and sedentary lifestyle, the Arab population continues to struggle with an increased risk for metabolic disorders. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) has reported that GCC countries have one of the highest prevalence of diabetes and obesity in the world, given the sedentary lifestyles and increased consumption of foods that are high in calories and sugar.


Of the 149,600 deaths in the GCC during 2020, nearly 73% were due to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). In this report, we reviewed genetic background of diabetes among Arab populations, analyzed healthcare market and key market players that offer services to diabetes patients.

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Case Study

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